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1Blocker - App and Website Blocker

1Blocker - App and Website Blocker is a tool that helps you stay focused and productive blocking access to distracting websites and apps. With this app, you can set specific times when certain websites or apps are blocked, or you can block them permanently. This can be especially helpful for students, professionals, or anyone who to limit their screen time and increase their productivity.

Latest version 2.4.0

Requires Mac OS 10.14 or later

Stay focused, Get things done

1Blocker is the ultimate solution for staying focused and getting things done. Its advanced ad-blocking and content-filtering features are designed eliminate distractions and keep you on task. Whether you're working on a project, studying for an exam, or just trying to be more productive, 1Blocker has got you covered. Don't settle for anything less than best - try 1Blocker today and experience the power of true focus!

Stay focused, Get things done

Block distracting websites and apps

You can block specific apps and websites during designated times of the day, allowing you to have uninterrupted focus on your work. It's a simple but effective way to eliminate distractions and increase your productivity overall.

Block Games, Pron, Social media

1Blocker is designed to keep you on track by blocking distractions such as games, pornography and social media. Don’t waste precious work hours checking your notifications, when our blocker can help you stay on task.

Improve self-control and motivation

1Blocker is to empower you to take control of your time and improve your daily routine. By using 1Blocker, you can block distracting apps and websites, and create a more productive environment for yourself.

Blocklists for different purposes or schedules

Setting up blocklists for different purposes or schedules is quick and simple, making it easy to customize your online environment for optimal focus and productivity. 

Block websites across browsers

1Blocker is a powerful tool that allows you to block websites across multiple browsers, including Safari, Chrome, Brave, Edge and Opera. With its easy-to-use interface and customizable settings, you can quickly and effectively block unwanted content and improve your browsing experience. Whether you're looking to increase productivity or simply reduce distractions, 1Blocker is the perfect solution for anyone looking to take control of their online experience.

Don't upload any data and track you

1Blocker is a powerful ad and content blocker that ensures your online privacy and security. Unlike other blockers, 1Blocker doesn't upload any data or track your personal information. With 1Blocker, you can browse the web with peace of mind, knowing that your data is safe and secure.


1Blocker - App and Website Blocker backgroud

1Blocker- Block app and websites

1Blocker - App and Website Blocker is the ultimate solution for anyone who wants to take control of their productivity. With this powerful tool, you can easily block access to distracting websites and apps, allowing you to stay focused and get more done. Whether you need to study for an exam, finish a project, or simply want to limit your screen time, this app has got you covered. So why wait? Take charge of your productivity today with 1Blocker - App and Website Blocker!

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